A Recap of StaFi Protocol's Team And Community Monthly Meeting for February

In the StaFi Community Meeting of February 2023, Liam highlighted the upcoming Shanghai Upgrade and the integration of rETH redemptions into the rToken App. The focus was also on improving operating efficiency by combining all operational apps into one.

The team announced that they are preparing for the launch of the new version of the rToken App and ramping up marketing and operational needs. Despite increased competition in the LSD industry, StaFi remains one of the main players and is focused on product building, design, and adding value to the community.

Sara presented the January Recap which included a liquidity farming campaign, building rSWTH, and community-building activities. The main focus for February will be the rToken App V4, rETH Development for the Shanghai Upgrade, and DAO Building activities. The StaFi Warriors program is also ongoing and members are encouraged to apply.

Shirley presented the latest rToken App for rETH, which is available on the rToken App Testnet. rETH redemption will be enabled after the Shanghai Upgrade. rSOL and rBNB have also been released on the rToken App V4 and StaFi has been listed on multiple exchanges. The focus in February will be the rETH withdrawal functions.

The StaFi Warriors and Rangers presented their monthly progress and community management updates. The meeting was followed by a productive Q&A session with community members.

The youtube recording of today’s meeting has been uploaded. You can all listen in StaFi Community Meeting - February 2023 - YouTube .

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