Proposal for New rToken Listing - rTON on rLaunchpad Season2


The Open Network (TON) is a decentralized and open internet platform made up of several components. These include: TON Blockchain, TON DNS, TON Storage, and TON Sites. TON Blockchain is the core protocol that connects TON’s underlying infrastructure together to form the greater TON Ecosystem.

TON is focused on achieving widespread cross-chain interoperability, while operating in a highly scalable secure framework. TON is designed to process millions of transactions per second (TPS), with the goal of eventually reaching hundreds of millions of users moving forward.

TON Blockchain is designed as a distributed supercomputer, or “superserver,” intended to provide a variety of products and services to contribute to the development of the decentralized vision for the new internet.

What is rTON and its use case

Users can deposit TON on the StaFi Protocol without any limitations.

Users who deposit TON on StaFi will receive an equivalent amount of rTON (rToken StaFi equivalent) to the value they staked. rTON is an rebase token. Subsequently, users can freely trade rTON (rToken equivalent) or provide liquidity (LP) to earn additional yield.

Why choose rTON

Based on Telegram’s large user base and its strong traffic diversion strategies, TON has seen significant adoption. Supporting TON and releasing rTON through LSaaS would enhance LSaaS’s influence. However, a downside is that the TON ecosystem has been around for a while, leading to a higher number of competitors.