[Research] Exploring Multi-wallet Components for Integration with StaFi


StaFi has announced its roadmap for Q2 2023, which places a strong emphasis on EVM-compatible chains. While StaFi already offers support to a considerable number of ecosystems, current wallet options such as MetaMask, Keplr, Polkadot.js, and Phantom offer suboptimal staking experiences for users who prefer using alternative wallets. In light of this, we have conducted extensive research on existing multi-wallet integration components with the aim of enhancing the overall stakers experience.


Our primary objective is to enhance the staking experience for users making it more accessible to a wider audience. We firmly believe that integrating multi-wallet integration components on the front-end can be a critical step towards achieving this goal.

By implementing this integration, we can lower the barriers to entry for users who are looking to stake their tokens. In particular, this can provide users with a greater degree of flexibility in terms of which wallets they can use for staking, thereby accommodating a wider range of user preferences. Moreover, this integration can greatly simplify the process of staking for users, which can lead to increased user adoption and participation.

Existing Solutions


Web3-Onboard (BlockNative)

ConnectKit (Family)

Wall Connect - web3Modal


After conducting thorough research on mainstream multi-wallet components, we have discovered that most of their functionality is restricted to EVM networks, and lacks corresponding solutions for other networks like Cosmos and Solana. This limitation is unfortunate, as we recognize the importance of offering comprehensive support for various networks to provide users with seamless and uninterrupted access to their assets across different ecosystems.

As a result of the limitations we have identified in existing multi-wallet components, our plan is to provide users with multiple options for staking on different networks. These options will be tailored to the specific network being used by the user, thereby reducing their overall usage costs. This approach will enable users to select the most suitable multi-wallet option for their needs, based on the network they are staking on.

Moving forward, we will continue to prioritize the integration of EVM multi-wallet components to support EVM-compatible chains. Additionally, we will explore ways to expand our support for other networks like Cosmos and Solana, to ensure that our users have access to comprehensive and seamless multi-wallet integration options across various ecosystems. Our ultimate goal is to provide our users with the best possible experience and support for their staking needs.

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