StaFi Community Call for April #11

:date: Date: 8am UTC, April 2nd, 2024
:speech_balloon: Topic: Continuing the StaFi 2.0 Journey: LSaaS Testnet Launch!
:round_pushpin: Venue:


1.Sara: Recap on February & March 2024 progress / Key targets for the coming months / StaFi Community Report
2.Olivia: StaFi DAO Monthly Report
3.Shirley: Products and Business Developments
4.Signal: The introduction/insights on StaFi 2.0, especially LSD Stacks
5.Tore: The elaboration on the LSD Stacks technical implementation in StaFi 2.0
6.Free Q&A Session

StaFi 2.0 marks a substantial upgrade encompassing product positioning, tokenomics, security, and more. A crucial milestone has recently been reached with the release of LSD stacks on the testnet. Join our community call to delve into the technical details of StaFi LSD Stack, its value proposition, and upcoming plans. Your insights and perspectives are pivotal in enhancing our collective understanding and driving our continuous evolution. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

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A recording of Community Call for April 2024 can be found on Youtube:

Highlights of The StaFi Community Call for April #11

Recap & Key Target Community Report (Sara)

Recap in the past 2 months

  • rSOL Bridge Removal
  • rDOT and rKSM Removed
  • StaFi 2.0 Released
  • LSaaS released on the Testnet
  • 2024Q2 Roadmap

Community progress

  • StaFi Warriors Work Adjustment

Key Targets in the coming month

  • Showcases of LSaaS testnet
  • Development of SEI LST
  • Development of LRT Stack

StaFi DAO Monthly Report (Olivia)

  • DAO treasury revenue and expenditure from Feb 2024 to Jan 2024
  1. DeFi liquidity incentives
  2. Integration services fee
  3. Community incentives
  • Updates on Treasury FIS staking
  • DAO progress from Feb 2024 to March 2024

Product & Collaboration Recap (Shirley)

Product Work

  • StaFi LSaaS
  1. Comprehensive Upgrade and Rebrand
  2. Testnet Release (March 25th)
  • rLaunchpad
  1. rLaunchpad Season 1 rToken listing vote
  2. rSEI Wins the Vote
  • Decentralization and Security
  1. Treasury FIS Migration to Multisig Account (March 19th)
  2. rSOL Bridge Removal Reminder (April 30th)

Collaborations and Campaigns

  • 28 rtoken Pairs In 16 DEXs, 9 Chains Β· StaFi New Campaigns
  1. Liquidity Farming Campaigns
  2. SSV Operator Selection Methods
  3. Binance Listing Promotion
  4. Collaborations with Metis and CakePie
  • More BD, More Marketing (Collaborations, Conferences and more)

rLaunchpad Listing Insights (Signal)

StaFi 2.0 introduces StaFi LSaaS

  • StaFi LSaaS: an LSD infrastructure layer, offering pre-built LSD stacks for developers
  • ETH LSD Stack
  • EVM LSD Stack
  • CosmWasm LSD Stack

Technical Implementation of LSD Stacks (Tore)

  • Open-source software suit
  • Promote public good in the realm of staking
  • Fully unleash the power of decentrolization
  • Dedicated to mainstream chains
  • Simplify the process of running PoS projects
  • Smart contracts
  • Off-chain relay services
  • User interface application