StaFi Community Call for August#13

:date: Date: 8am UTC, August 1st, 2024

:speech_balloon: Topic: LSaaS Modularity Is On The Horizon

:round_pushpin: Venue:

1)Recap on June and July & Key Targets in the coming months
2)StaFi Community Report
2.Olivia: StaFi DAO Monthly Report
3.Shirley: Products and BD
4.Signal: Basic Introduction of LSaaS Modularity and following plans for LSaaS adoption
5.Tore: The elaboration on the technical implementation for 3 modules in LSaaS Modularity
6.Free Q&As

The LST stacks for Ethereum, Cosmos, SEI, BSC, Solana, and Babylon, and LRT stacks for EigenLayer and Karak have been integrated into StaFi LSaaS. As of now, StaFi LSaaS is entering a new era - Modularity, which includes AI agent module, point module, and LSaaS App frontend module. The modularity of LSaaS makes it a more friendly developing upgrade tool for devs and enhances its scalability and overall acceptance. Welcome to join our community call to delve into StaFi LSaaS Modularity; your insights and perspectives are pivotal in enhancing our collective understanding and driving our continuous evolution. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

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A recording of Community Call for August 2024 can be found on Youtube:

Highlights of The StaFi Community Call for August #13

Recap & Key Target in Community Report (Sara)

Recap in the past 2 months

  • StaFi LSaaS Stack Supports Karak LRT
  • StaFi LSaaS Stack Supports BNB And SEI
  • 2024Q3 Roadmap
  • Community Education on StaFi LSaaS modularity
  • rLaunchpad Season2

Community progress

  • The advancement in LSaaS

Key Targets in the coming month

  • FIS burning proposal
  • Advancement and release of LSaaS Modularity
  • Advancement on rLaunchpad Season2

StaFi DAO Monthly Report (Olivia)

  • DAO treasury revenue and expenditure from June 2024 to July 2024
  1. DeFi liquidity incentives
  2. Integration services fee
  3. Community incentives
  • Updates on Treasury FIS staking
  • LSaaS adoption budget plan

Product & Collaboration Recap (Shirley)

Product Work

  • StaFi LSaaS
  1. StaFi LSaaS Stack Supported Karak and Eigenlayer LRT
  2. BNB and SEI are integrated into LSaaS Platform
  3. rSEI Launch: the first use case of StaFi LSaaS Stack
  4. Development for EigenLayer and Karak LRT stack
  5. BTC Staking Exploration
  • StaFi Modularity
  1. StaFi AI Module, AI Integration in Validator Selection
  2. StaFi Points Module
  3. Modularity Website & App Development
  4. Chainlink CCIP module and more on the way

Collaborations and Campaigns

  • 28 rtoken Pairs In 16 DEXs, 9 Chains
  • StaFi New Campaigns
  1. rSEI Mint Drop Campaign
  • More BD, More Marketing (Collaborations, Conferences and more)
  1. Pulsechain, Artela, Gravity, AO, Monad…

LSaaS Modularity (Signal)

  • Point Module
  • AI Module
  • Interoperability Module
  • LSaaS Partners: Chainlink, SSV Network, and more is coming

The elaboration on the technical implementation for 3 modules in LSaaS Modularity (Tore)

Modules in LSaaS Modularity

  • Validator Selection AI Agent Module
  • Point System Module
  • Frontend Module