StaFi Community Call for June #12

:date: Date: 8am UTC, June 4th, 2024
:speech_balloon: Topic: rSEI Launch: The first use case of StaFi LSaaS Stack
:round_pushpin: Venue:

1)Recap on April and May & Key Target in the coming months
2)StaFi Community Report
2.Olivia: StaFi DAO Monthly Report
3.Shirley: Products and BD
4.Signal: The introduction on rSEI and following incentive plans
5.Tore: The elaboration on rSEI technical implementation with StaFi LSaaS
6.Free Q&As

The development of rSEI is based on Sei EVM and also utilizes the EVM LSD Stack with StaFi LSaaS. As of now, rSEI has been released on rSEI v2, which signifies a significant milestone in StaFi’s journey towards establishing itself as the LSD Infra Layer. Welcome to join our community call to delve into rSEI, such as the following incentive plans, its technical implementation. Your insights and perspectives are pivotal in enhancing our collective understanding and driving our continuous evolution. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

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A recording of Community Call for June 2024 can be found on Youtube:

Highlights of The StaFi Community Call for June #12

Recap & Key Target in Community Report (Sara)

Recap in the past 2 months

  • rSEI Launch on Sei V2
  • StaFi LSaaS Stack Supports EigenLayer LRT
  • BNB Staking Reopened
  • StaFi LRT Stack Technical Key Points
  • Technical Spell behind StaFi LSaaS’s LSD Stacks

Community progress

  • The advancement in StaFi 2.0
  • Campaign plans from StaFi Warriors

Key Targets in the coming month

  • BTC LSD Stack development
  • Karak LRT Stack deployment and testing
  • Advancement of StaFi AI within the LSaaS
  • Season #2 StaFi rLaunchpad

StaFi DAO Monthly Report (Olivia)

  • DAO treasury revenue and expenditure from April 2024 to May 2024
  1. DeFi liquidity incentives
  2. Integration services fee
  3. Community incentives
  • Updates on Treasury FIS staking
  • DAO progress from April 2024 to May 2024
  • LSaaS adoption budget plan

Product & Collaboration Recap (Shirley)

Product Work

  • StaFi LSaaS

1.rATOM launched on the Neutron testnet 2. Supported eigenlayer LRT LSAAS, Karak on the way

  1. rSEI APP launched on mainnet
  • Decentralization and Security
  1. SSV DVT Integration with StaFi LSaaS
  2. rBNB upgrade

Collaborations and Campaigns

  • 28 rtoken Pairs In 16 DEXs, 9 Chains
  • StaFi New Campaigns
  1. A New Round of rETH Lend/Borrow Pool Launched
  2. Incentive Proposal for Launching rSEI and Boosting Adoption
  • More BD, More Marketing (Collaborations, Conferences and more)
  1. Hiring Sales
  2. AO, BandDAO, ZetaChain…

The introduction on rSEI and following incentive plans (Signal)

  • rSEI Updates
  • Mint drop campaign - 33000 FIS, apr 20+%, no point
  • Unstake will open once SEI v2 is ready
  • The rSEI/SEI pool will go live on DragonSwap, pending their CL launch The rSEI/SEI pool LP incentive will be $SEI insead of $FIS
  • FIS explanation

The elaboration on rSEI technical implementation (Tore)

  • Core contracts:
  1. LsdToken Contract
  2. StakePool Contract
  3. StakeManager Contract
  • User process:
  1. Stake process
  2. Unstake process
  3. Withdraw process
  • Balance Staking Pools
  • Relay Service