StaFi Warriors Contribution Submission & Assessment - November 2023

As November draws to a close, we once again turn the spotlight on the incredible efforts of our StaFi Warriors, Ambassadors, and Rangers. Your commitment has been instrumental in advancing the StaFi ecosystem, and it’s time to showcase your hard work.

For StaFi Warriors & Ambassadors: Please share any Professionally Generated Content (PGC) Channels you have introduced to the StaFi Team this month. Additionally, highlight your responsibilities (if any) as a Warrior.

For StaFi Rangers: Highlight the mint channels you have secured for StaFi.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Activities: Describe your initiatives, roles, and any creative endeavors you undertook.
  • Impact: Elaborate on the measurable or significant impact of your efforts.
  • Links to Work: Provide direct links to your work, engagements, or any relevant documentation.
  • Recognition or Feedback: Share any notable accolades or feedback you’ve received.

We encourage detailed submissions to thoroughly understand and appreciate your contributions. Each entry will be rigorously evaluated, and participants will be recognized and rewarded in accordance with our Warriors and Rangers Programs.

Your dedication is the driving force behind StaFi’s journey towards reshaping decentralized finance. We are immensely grateful for your support and look forward to celebrating another month of exceptional achievements.

Thank you for being an integral part of our journey.

To learn more about our StaFi Warriors and Rangers Programs, click on the links below:

TWITTER: @oghene_ganreTM
DISCORD: Jagwa#3535

I had a busy November as a warrior, seeking partnership between StaFi Protocol and PGC Platforms. Also seeking projects in need of minting our rToken on their wallet.
I compiled the report in this Google doc link below.
Also I made a proposal to StaFi protocol on how else we could increase our TVL


Telegram ID: @Aerovall
Discord ID: aerovall
Twitter ID:

StaFi Contribution Details for the Month of November year of 2023


  1. Research about protocols on upcoming cake wars for BNB to further increase our rBNB TVL
  2. Successful connection with Butter finance but unfortunately they wouldn’t be launching their subdao for cake gauges
  3. Successful connection with Skillet Finance waiting for their launch
  4. Successful connection with Cakepie Finance waiting for their launch
  5. Ongoing contact with stake dao for their staked cake to know more of their staked cake bribe mechanics
  6. Ongoing contact with breakfast finance(vector finance team) to know more of their staked cake bribe mechanics
  7. Suggested to Shirley to push through beefy partnership so that we would have a user friendly vault and a partner vault for our future rToken integration with them

8.Launched our first partnership pool with beefy the rBNB pool(which is currently housing 500k+ TVL started last nov. 23) can check and stake here as well which currently has stafi boost link

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Telegram ID: @AlphaTower
Discord ID: AlphaTower#0156
Twitter ID:

StaFi Contribution Details
Month: November 2023

  1. Update Mod-Report channel in discord for server weekly statistics.
  • November Data:
    –Discord Members November 1st: 9682
    –Discord Members November 30th: 9643
    –Discord members gained/lost: -39
    –Opened Tickets: 28
    –Total Open Tickets Remaining: 0
    –Total messages: 701
    –Deleted Scams/Spams: 304
  1. Help keep the community members engaged with the StaFi Discord server as well as provide relevant information if and when needed, especially answering queries and support tickets. Supported the server with very quick response to help community members reach Technical support if and when needed. Details down below:
  • Question with regards to Matic changes to POL does rMatic will change to rPOL. Status: Replied, it is just a Ticker change but fundamentals remain unchanged
  • Concern with regards to osmosis. It’s said to be unable to support 1000 Atom for swap to rAtom. Status: Replied and redirected to rToken App and mint rAtom. the incentive campaign is launched to boost the tvl, so it may need a bit of time to increase liquidity to support higher liquidity swaps.
  • Concern about airdrops related to atom native staking? Is holding rATOM or lp the rATOM/ATOM pool qualify for the new airdrop? Status: Replied, here is a plan in the list to develop the a reairdrop mechanism to the rATOM holders, but there still be some details to be finalized.
  • Concern in sending rSWTH from StaFi Hub to Terra through TFM IBC transfer and I keep receiving this error message - “unknown error”. Status: Resolved, proposal to update the client, which was passed on Nov 5th 2023, at 21:01 UTC
  • rETH in the liquidity farming issue with the rToken App. Status: Resolved, assited by Tore (Dev), also provided instructions on how to withdraw using ethscan when the unlock is available.
  • TFM IBC transfer to send rSWTH from Stafi Hub to Terra with “No routes found” issue on TFM. Status: Resolved, assited by Tore (Dev), using keplr wallet to send an IBC transaction, select “Terra” for Destination Chain and “channel-9” for Source Channel Id.
  • When visit, there are error: “SSL handshake failed Error code 525” or “404 not found” on November 17th,2023. Status: Resolved, DDOS attack causing error on the frontend only, fixed by Devs through maintenance
  • Coindesk Author reached out in Tickets for a written article about StaFi. Status: Replied, Liam already is in contact with the Coindesk team
  • Positive feedback from community with regards to rBNB-BNB LP Vault launched on Beefy Finance
  • A user is failing to stake ATOM. Status: Resolved, Alerted the Devs, assisted by Tore (Dev)
  • IBC receive stuck in “pending” status as reported by a community member [IBC relayers not working properly]. Status: Resolved, Osmosis chain was halted for sometime, Devs had to restart the Node on StaFi’s part.
  • KyberNetwork was exploited due to a security incident. There is a rMATIC Pool(rMATIC/MATIC) impacted, LPers were instructed to withdraw funds and revoke approvals to Kyber promptly. rMatic holders in community are worried about the safety of holding rMatic. Status: Replied, assured the community members that holding rMatic isn’t affected as they can redeem Matic by using rMatic and only LPers on Kyber are affected. StaFi will try to build a new liquidity pool for rMatic/Matic as per Liam.
  • Numerous partnership introduction through Tickets. Status: instructed user to email proposal to
  • Numerous job seekers such as developers through Tickets. Status: instructed to apply through
    -Three consecutive weeks that there is a spike in attempted Scams and/or Spamming on StaFi discord servers various channels. Status: Resolved, automatic deletion of scams/spams by our discord security or manual deletion and banning of server violations.
  1. Supervise the Announcement channel and for StaFi Project Updates channel for November Progress.
    Announcement Link: Announcement Channel
    Project Updates Link: Project Updates Channel
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Hey, Jagwa. It is important to note that the value that StaFi can provide to Injective (Layer 1) is to create a LST for INJ, which is rINJ. It is not to integrate existing rTokens on top of Injective.

Thank you for your contributions in November. We hope that you will continue to participate in community discussions. You will be rewarded with 100 FIS for your contributions.

Hey, kelvin. We were really impressed with your contributions to rBNB’s growth in November, and thrilled to reward you with 380U and an additional 1000 FIS .

We’d also love to encourage you to continue deepening your involvement with the community. Your insights and expertise are invaluable, and your participation in community calls and other initiatives would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Alphatower, I’m writing to you about the Discord community. We’re thinking about how to increase its engagement. We’d like to give you the ability to edit community notifications. This will allow you to personalize the notifications and make them more engaging, rather than simply copying and pasting the original text.

Thank you for your contributions to the community in November. We’re awarding you 380U in recognition of your efforts.

I understand, however considering the timeliness of the post especially on important announcements I can only do a little adjustments that can be fit for Discord format, as it is different from telegram in some aspects. I receive notifications usually after the content is already published in twitter, and it is different where I couldn’t prepare in advanced. But thank you for your input, I will gladly work towards your suggestion for improvement. It is highly appreciated.