StaFi Warriors Contribution Submission & Assessment - October 2023

It’s time to reflect on the remarkable contributions that the StaFi Warriors, Ambassadors and Rangers have made in October. We invite you to share a detailed summary of your contributions, which will help celebrate our collective achievements and foster a culture of recognition and continuous learning.

For StaFi Warriors & Ambassadors: Please highlight any Professionally Generated Content (PGC) Channels you referred to the StaFi Team.

For StaFi Rangers: Include all mint channels you have garnered for the StaFi Team.

Structure your submission as follows:

  • Activities: Detail your initiatives and roles.
  • Impact: Share the measurable or notable impact.
  • Links to Work: Provide links to your engagements or any other relevant documentation.
  • Any other notable recognition or feedback received.

Submit your contributions in the section below. Each will be thoroughly assessed, and due recognition and rewards will be accorded in alignment with our Warriors and Rangers Programs.

Your steadfast commitment continues to redefine the decentralized finance narrative, propelling StaFi forward. Thank you for your unwavering support, and we look forward to another month of exceptional contributions.

To learn more about our StaFi Warriors and Rangers Programs, click on the links below:

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Telegram ID: @AlphaTower
Discord ID: AlphaTower#0156
Twitter ID:

StaFi Contribution Details
Month: October 2023

  1. Successful connections with PGC Channel Crypto Briefing and attended a meeting with Adam with regards to partnership discussions. The Crypto Briefing Team Media Kit already forwarded to the StaFi Core Team.

  2. Update Mod-Report channel in discord for server weekly statistics.

  • October Data:
    –Discord Members October 1st: 9720
    –Discord Members October 31st: 9682
    –Discord members gained/lost: -38
    –Opened Tickets: 30
    –Total Open Tickets Remaining: 1
    –Total messages: 542
    –Deleted Scams/Spams: 19
  1. Help keep the community members engaged with the StaFi Discord server as well as provide relevant information if and when needed, especially answering queries and support tickets. Supported the server with very quick response to help community members reach Technical support if and when needed. Details down below:
  • Issue with regards to rETH daily withdrawal limit 100. Community members asking for increase in withdrawal cap. Not yet resolved until DVT integration is successful.
  • rMATIC unstake execution approval window does not appear. Status: Resolved, fixed by Tore (Dev)
  • Community member withdraw stafi from osmosis channel5143 and failed. Status: Resolved, relay has been restarted and tokens has been refunded
  • Fee station to swap some Atom for FIS, it says “Transferring” and then “Transaction in progress, please check your wallet later” and still nothing shows up in users wallet. Status: Resolved, assisted by Tore (Dev)
  • Numerous partnership introduction through Tickets. Status: instructed user to email proposal to
  • Numerous job seekers such as community moderator, collab managers, and developers through Tickets. Status: instructed to apply for warriors program through StaFi Warriors Team or for devs through Careers | StaFi
  • Numerous Scam/Spam links deleted automatically by discord security measures/bots or manually deleted through monitoring and community reports.
  1. Supervise the Announcement channel and for StaFi Project Updates channel for October Progress.
    Announcement Link: Announcement Channel
    Project Updates Link: Project Updates Channel

Telegram ID: @Aerovall
Discord ID: aerovall
Twitter ID:

StaFi Contribution Details for the Month of October year of 2023


  1. rAtom/Atom pool listed on osmosis

  2. Unsuccessful connection with Monad

  3. Unsuccessful connection with Argent wallet due to they already have LSD partner

  4. Unsuccessful connection with Exodus wallet due to they already have LSD partner

  5. Successful connection with Beefy finance which can be a future partner in helping our users have a vault/yield aggregator for their LP’s, Unclosed deal yet due to lack of funding which can be opened and discussed in forum at future the benefits that a yield aggregator can bring in for StaFi

  6. Connected with Zapper , listing with them is self made by the devs of the protocols wanted to be integrated in their site Introduction | Build on Zapper

  7. Currently on talks with protocols that can be partner with AMA such as Asymmetry Finance which listed us on their LSDfi

  8. Connecting with Cakepie(Magpie team) and Butter Finance which is building currently on the upcoming bribing on Pancakeswap which can help our rTokens if it would be listed on the respective chain that the bribing market of pancakeswap would reside.

Market is in a mini-FOMO at the moment but that doesnt make us immune to rejections to other protocols. We will continue on connecting and continue on building onwards to the next wave of new market entrants.

While the report just provides statistical data, it fails to capture some valuable specific feedback from the community, such as demands regarding withdrawals and user feedback on the product.

It seems that the progress regarding Zapper was provided several months ago, not this month as indicated.

Edited the details on contribution #3 on the post above for specific feedbacks from the community with regards to StaFi as a whole or product feedback and their corresponding status in Discord Server.
Details down below:

  • Issue with regards to rETH daily withdrawal limit 100. Community members asking for increase in withdrawal cap. Not yet resolved until DVT integration is successful.
  • rMATIC unstake execution approval window does not appear. Status: Resolved, fixed by Tore (Dev)
  • Community member withdraw stafi from osmosis channel5143 and failed. Status: Resolved, relay has been restarted and tokens has been refunded
  • Fee station to swap some Atom for FIS, it says “Transferring” and then “Transaction in progress, please check your wallet later” and still nothing shows up in users wallet. Status: Resolved, assisted by Tore (Dev)
  • Numerous partnership introduction through Tickets. Status: instructed user to email proposal to
  • Numerous job seekers such as community moderator, collab managers, and developers through Tickets. Status: instructed to apply for warriors program through StaFi Warriors Team or for devs through Careers | StaFi
  • Numerous Scam/Spam links deleted automatically by discord security measures/bots or manually deleted through monitoring and community reports.

Just referring to the message last week, I didn’t include it on months before and it is need to be included on report so that it wouldn’t question my involvement.

If that’s the case, I think it should be noted at least that the submission is for the month of October.

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you can check the task description in the notion, i have noted it before. Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.

Hello AlphaTower, great news! For your work in October, including sharing about StaFi on different platforms, you’ve earned a reward of 400U. Your efforts in getting the word out and helping our community grow have been fantastic. Thanks for all you do!

Hi Aerovall ,You’ve done an amazing job helping us grow by bringing in new DeFi integrations to StaFi. Your hard work really stands out, and we’re giving you 430U as a thank you. Keep up the great work!