StaFi Warriors Contribution Submission & Assessment - September 2023

Telegram ID: @AlphaTower
Discord ID: AlphaTower#0156
Twitter ID:

StaFi Contribution Details
Month: September 2023

  1. Successful connections with PGC Channel Crypto Daily and forwarded further partnership discussions with the StaFi Core Team.

  2. Added a Mod-Report channel in discord for server weekly statistics.

  • September Data:
    –Discord Members September 1st: 10249
    –Discord Members September 30th: 9720
    –Discord members gained/lost: -529
    –Opened Tickets: 21
    –Total Open Tickets Remaining: 2
    –Total messages: 476
    –Deleted Scams/Spams: 14
  1. Published StaFi Rangers Program August 2023 Report: Rangers Program - August 2023 Report

  2. Help keep the community members engaged with the StaFi Discord server as well as provide relevant information if and when needed, especially answering queries and support tickets. Supported the server with very quick response to help community members reach Technical support if and when needed.

  3. Supervise the Announcement channel and for StaFi Project Updates channel for September Progress.
    Announcement Link: Announcement Channel
    Project Updates Link: Project Updates Channel