The Highlights of StaFi Protocol's Team And Community Monthly Meeting for January

Happy 2023!

The lessons and developments in 2022 have brought StaFi this far and in 2023, our team is working on more upgrades and building.

Our monthly meeting for January brought all of our StaFi team – core team, moderators, and ambassadors together to discuss the ecosystem’s progress in the past month and what to expect in January.

Here are the main highlights of the meeting:


The purpose of this meeting is to review the work of the StaFi Core and StaFi Warrior/Ambassador team and to discuss ways to improve our collaboration in the coming month.

The meeting will be divided into four parts: introduction, product recap, moderator and ambassador reports, and a Q&A session.


In December, the StaFi team focused on developing StaFiHub and rDEX, particularly for FIS/ATOM pools and rATOM mining.

We also worked on business development and built use cases for rToken with partners such as WhiteWhale and Carbon. rATOM minting has seen a significant increase of about 20% in the past 15 days, and rDEX total value locked has reached $1.5m.

We’ve also been building the community, including the launch of the StaFi Warrior website, updates to the DAO Governance and Ranger Program, and campaigns for rDEX pools such as FIS/ATOM, rHUAHUA/HUAHUA, and rATOM/ATOM.

We will also be introducing an rETH staking campaign to attract more ETH stakers to StaFi. In January, we will be working on rToken V4, integrating with the Carbon Network, building the DAO with the launch of on-chain voting, and launching more staking campaigns.


In December, we continued work on the rToken App V4. rETH, rKSM, and rDOT have been launched on the testnet, and we have completed internal testing of Matic.

We are planning to start work on rBNB next. We also have more products in development, such as the fee station and rBridge.

The StaFi Warriors and Ambassadors then introduced themselves and reported on their work for December.

The recording of today’s call is now available here: StaFi Community Meeting - January 2023 - YouTube.

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