StaFi Warriors Contribution Submission & Assessment -December 2023

Telegram ID: @Aerovall
Discord ID: aerovall
Twitter ID:

StaFi Contribution Details for the Month of December year of 2023

1.Planning of Migration of Liquidity from Thena to Pancakeswap due to recent exploit with Gamma halting the deposits of rBNB-BNB, more info about the gamma exploit(P.S. StaFi isn’t affected only the depositing of liquidity due to it is seeded in thena which is using gamma for their v3 strategies.)

2.Establishing a connection with bribery protocols that involves exploring the dynamics of bribe mechanics specifically tied to Pancakeswap’s veCAKE. This entails discussing incentivizing practices aimed at future rBNB-BNB liquidity providers on Pancakeswap v3.

3.Successful connection with Skillet Finance but skillet finance already sunsetted. link

4.Successful connection with Cakepie, talks with cakepie team currently Ongoing. Pending our migration of rBNB-BNB liquidity to pancakeswap

5.Listing of our balancer pool rETH-ETH on YaspFi
More info about YaspFi : YaspFi is a one stop shop for everything at DeFi, at present they currently have their web yield listing app and at their future plans they will be having their own mobile wallet app.

pool link

6.Currently on talks with YaspFi to list all of our pools and have co-marketing strategy together

7.Drafted a proposal for rLaunchpad new rToken Listing for rFTM , rNEAR , rMETIS. link

8.Drafted a second proposal for rLaunchpad new rToken listing for rASTR. link

9.Moderating Messages , Banning of Scammers and Assisting users with questions in StaFi Protocol’s Telegram

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